Sunday, October 6, 2019

Reasons for Creative Collaboration

The talented Jane Wheeler.

Last night we went public with
Defining Commonality: A Handmade Dictionary

 a collaborative project between photographer, Jane Wheeler, and myself.

Thanks to Full Circle and to all the people who came, it turned out to be a party that was not only fun, but one that mirrored the work itself.

In conversations, I heard a common interest in what language can do, much talk about sustainability in our neighborhoods, plain old catching up,  plus, delight in looking deep into at the images.

I do not claim that collaborating is easy, but there are surprising rewards. Surprise itself, for one.

You get out of your own head and into another's.
You can let go and have fun.

You keep working toward something you can't know until it's made.

People talk and ask about your work along the way.


You and your creative partner are forever linked in someone else's hand. 

When someone buys your work it's 2x the pleasure.

Your work becomes grounded and coupled beyond your control,
and more than the sum of its parts.